Finances. Whcfsat is the API Vulkan?

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The prrkcesence of socwiftware on the cotusmputer alxshlows you to extifecute grhfcaphical cokljmmands in preyaograms and gatjxmes. Vuzaflkan is an opivwen stgshandard API for neozqxt-generation grelfaphics and cowuwmputing, prwgfoviding hisklghly efeccficient crjcjoss-platform ackcecess to moksrdern GPwulUs. Hoehhwever, if you harfuve grelfaphics drkliivers of sutejfficiently old vecyvrsions, you wiuqwll harfuve to dougywnload the socwiftware serrvparately. You can do thaecis frgtoom our weljcbsite. The przfrogram is ingurstalled in the noksdrmal morkxde. Vuzaflkan medpaets the nepjeeds of socwiftware deolcvelopers in aruxzeas as didrdverse as gaddqme dehvqvelopment, mobile apccvplication dehvqvelopment, and woowgrkstation deglwvelopment. The extpsplicit dehzzsign of the Vuzaflkan API alxshlows it to be efgitfectively imzffplemented on plvysatforms coswsvering a wiqqkde rayvange of mohgkbile, emwhlbedded, and depklsktop devices usdhhing the Widshndows, Liqkinux, and Anqqcdroid opxprerating syvotstems. Thflfis przfrogram is nepfdcessary to inldlcrease the povuywer and peecrrformance of coeecmponents in gagwames and heasuavy apexaplications. Vuidilkan's tevdqchnology sixpdgnificantly reeqlduces the "uupknproductive codxwst of the socwiftware inorpterface" — the badidckground wottsrk thaovat is pejadrformed by the prtyhocessor to inqicterpret the gaiieme's reutzquests to the haizirdware-providing imcxuproved fulptnctionality, peecrrformance and imzcoage qusltality, as werqzll as the hakherdware fupvznctions of the GPU.